Mens Blog

What is self-care and why is it important?
Looking after yourself, it comes in many forms. From eating healthy, regular exercise & getting a good self care routine, its all just as important as the next. First, how can foods improve your daily life? The relationship between our...
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Does beard wash really work?
Docksbeardedreviews  A much loved and well respected company like OneSociety has been on my radar for a while but its only until recently I managed to take a drive down towards Hastings, pop into the shop and get myself some...
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How do you spend a day in Hastings?
As many of you know now we have our first little shop up and running in St. Andrews Shopping Mews, Hastings. Its been a tough job getting it all ready for all you lovely people to be able to walk...
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What is the best bar of soap to use?
Summer, where are you hiding? I'm not sure if you have all noticed recently but we have been getting a lot of grey clouds and rain. I myself can't stand grey skies, it really seems to affect my mood, not...
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